All the news from the Domain & Royal Museum of Mariemont

New distinction for Mariemont
The Domaine & Musée royal de Mariemont has been awarded the ‘4 suns’ distinction by the Commissariat général au Tourisme.
This label, which highlights the level of excellence of Wallonia's tourist infrastructure, pays tribute to the quality of our welcome, our cultural offering and our services.
It's a great way to continue welcoming you with passion and enthusiasm.
Find out more about this award on the 365.be website.

Crowdfunding campaign
The Cercle Royal des Amis de Mariemont asbl is launching a crowdfunding campaign with the aim of acquiring an exceptional new piece for the Museum: a marble bust of Alexander the Great.
This portrait, dating from between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC, represents one of the most famous figures in the history of Antiquity.
To take part in this crowdfunding initiative, all you have to do is make a payment into the Cercle's account: BE45-8002-2473-0789, with the wording ‘Alexander’.
NOT DECIDED YET? Our ASBL has been approved for tax deductibility of 45% of the amount of donations it receives, from as little as €40. Thanks to this tax saving, a donation of €40 costs you just €22, a donation of €100 at a real cost of €55; a donation of €500 at a real cost of €275, etc. There is no maximum amount.
For more information: contact Graham Cuvelier on 0467/05.24.92 or amis@musee-mariemont.be.
Project to revitalise the Domain of Mariemont
In June 2024, the Direction des infrastructures culturelles of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and the Direction de la Nature et des Espaces verts of the Wallonia Public Service officially launched the contract for the appointment of a project manager to study and monitor the execution of the revitalisation work on the Domaine de Mariemont.
Covering an area of 45 hectares, the classified site of the Domain of Mariemont is home to a number of structures, including the museum building designed by architect Roger Bastin, a Centre Régional d'Initiation à l'Environnement (CRIE), offices occupied by SPW gardeners and other historic buildings that are currently underused.
The project therefore aims to revitalise these areas, focusing on the rehabilitation of existing buildings and improving their energy performance through 3 major objectives:
Redevelop and develop: redevelop the site as a whole, efficiently distributing the various functions within the existing, currently underused buildings.
Renovate and preserve: establish an in-depth inventory of the existing situation and define the actions to be envisaged in the short, medium and long term.
Enhance: make the estate more attractive to the general public and promote a multi-faceted experience combining culture, art and nature.
Closing date for applications: 12.00 noon on 4 September 2024.
Find out more about the contract notice launched by competitive procedure with negotiation in European advertising.

A citizens' collective in Mariemont
It's the first initiative of its kind in Wallonia! The Domain & Royal Museum of Mariemont has recently set up a new consultative and participatory body: the Collectif Citoyen.
Following a call for applications from all citizens wishing to get involved in this new project, 35 people expressed their interest and motivation.
With the ambition of forging closer links between the institution and local residents, the members of the Collectif will play a crucial role as mediators, encouraging active participation in the life of the Estate and the Museum.
The Collective's activities will focus on four main areas:
Consultation: The Collectif will be consulted in order to gain a better understanding of the expectations of the estate's users with regard to various issues raised by the institution.
Participation: Members will have the opportunity to propose participative citizen activities and to contribute voluntarily to specific projects.
Sensibilisation : The Collectif will raise awareness of the Domaine's situation among local players and provide essential information to the institution.
Communication : Members will help to promote the estate's activities to local audiences.
If you have any questions about the Collectif Citoyen de Mariemont, please email collectif.citoyen@musee-mariemont.be.

European projects
The Domain & Royal Museum of Mariemont participates in European cooperation projects since 2016, as beneficiary or lead. The Museum pursues scientific, artistic and civil society partnerships which allow the sharing of best practices, help fulfil the Museum’s mission and its sustainable development strategy and affirm the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles as carrier of European values.
Music & Arts of the Renaissance: Yesteryear's female patronage re-activated for all with digital technologies
MARY4ALL is a European cooperation project between the academic, museum, arts and civil society sectors for innovation in mediation of historical content. Its objectives are to digitally re-activate, for the benefit of European audiences and memory sites, the lost Renaissance architecture, arts and music promoted by patron of the arts extraordinaire Mary of Hungary during the reign of Emperor Charles V, and to further investigate the use of digital technologies for the sustainable circulation of European heritage.
KU Leuven (BE) and Centre d’Études supérieures de la Renaissance/RicercarLab (FR) ally their respective academic research and digital humanities expertise in architectural history and musicology to generate new digital content for public access, in the form of multisensory immersive installations.
The Domain & Royal Museum of Mariemont (BE), a site directly linked to Mary of Hungary, leads the project and proposes its upcoming 2025 exhibition on the era of Emperor Charles V as first showcase for the new installations.
The Cooperation Network of the Cultural Routes of Emperor Charles V (ES) presents the installations in itinerant format in member sites of Laredo, Mülberg and Granada, and organizes a virtual platform and conference on digital technologies for the sustainable circulation of European heritage in 2026.
Project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.