Scientific research

Research projects
Discover the research projects our scientific team is currently conducting into the different collections at the Royal Museum of Mariemont.

Study library
The Royal Museum of Mariemont has a study and research library covering several fields:
History, Art History & Archaeology
Classical Philology, the Far East
Decorative arts, mainly Ceramics
Bibliophilism and Museology
The spacious reading room, located in the Museum, welcomes visitors, students and researchers, providing access to a vast collection of several thousand volumes.
Discover Mariemont's Document Library

As a scientific establishment of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, the Royal Museum of Mariemont publishes high-quality, visually appealing and scientifically accurate works. These are benchmark publications about the Archaeology and Arts of different major cultural areas.
See the Mariemont publications

Mariemont book workshop
As a training, creation and research hub for all things book related, the Workshop offers introductory courses in the artistic techniques of bookmaking: gravure printing, design and formatting, illustration techniques, calligraphy, making boxes and cases, paper decoration and restoration.