
Find our press files and releases, hi-resolution images and current and future programme.

Interview de Richard Veymiers dans le Pavillon des Fresques de Mariemont

Press space

Journalists have free admission to the museum on presentation of a valid press card.

Filming and photographing inside the museum or outside in the estate require prior authorisation from our Communications Department.

All photographic reproductions must be accompanied by the statement " © Domaine & Musée royal de Mariemont". Special thanks to the " © Domaine & Musée Royal de Mariemont".


« Sensing the Buddha » - September 2024

From 21 September 2024 to 20 April 2025, the Domain & Royal Museum of Mariemont presents "Sensing the Buddha", an unprecedented immersion in the world of Buddhism.

The exhibition features innovative scenography that reveals the many representations of Buddha, the Buddhist pantheon, and its rituals.

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Marie'ART. Trail of contemporary art - September 2024

From May 18th to September 22nd 2024, the Domain & Royal Museum of Marioemont presents Marie'ART, a trail of ephemeral outdoor contemporary art. An event combining art and nature that's not to be missed! 

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From Pompéi to Mariemont - 2023

After a colossal project of restoration and construction, the frescoes of Boscoreale are once again on display in the permanent collections of Mariemont, in a new pavilion. 

Contact :

On the agenda

Mercredi au musée : "On découvre le monde de Bouddha"

on 9 October 2024

Ce mercredi 9 octobre, on découvre le monde du Bouddha.

Conference : « Diverse Lives : Narratives of Śākyamuni Buddha in Text and Image »

from 17 October 2024 to 19 October 2024

These study days are organised in partnership with the Centre for Buddhist Studies at Ghent University.

Exhibition "Sensing the Buddha"

from 21 September 2024 to 20 April 2025

From 21 September 2024 to 20 April 2025, the Domain & Royal Museum of Mariemont presents "Sensing the Bud

Graphic charter

Logo de Mariemont

Mariemont, a global collection

The Domain & Royal Museum of Mariemont logo has M for Mariemont and W for Warocqué as a tribute to its founder, Raoul Warocqué.

When the M is turned round it becomes a W, emphasising the link between Mariemont and its founder. The four Ms form a compass rose while the globe in the centre represents the world, symbolising the voyages of Raoul Warocqué and the eclectic nature of our collections.

Our colours are charcoal blue and ochre. The blue recalls the colour of coal when it is lit by the sun, a nod to Mariemont’s mining past. The ochre refers to the soil of the region and the ancient documents and historic objects of our collections.

Discover the Mariemont graphic chart

Download the logos in three colours

Our hi-definition images


Contact us

Domain & Royal Museum of Mariemont’s Communications Department

Puces Marie Lempereur, head of the Communications Department - - +32(0)64 43 36 91 - +32 (0)492 23 53 55)


BeCulture, press agency

Puces Charline Mabille, project coordinator - - +32 (0)474 11 65 29

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