Over the last few years, through exhibitions, popular publications and quality television productions, the general public has been showing a renewed interest in the Burgundian era, in the broadest sense of the term, which lasted roughly from the end of the fourteenth to the end of the fifteenth century.
This obvious fascination has led to a questioning of identity. Was the 1830 Belgian Revolution a direct result of the ancient Burgundian states? Memories related since the 19th century recall the most prestigious aspects of the Burgundian period — the territorial unity, economic prosperity, the Flemish Primitives school and the Order of the Golden Fleece, to name but a few examples — that meet modern-day political, cultural and touristic challenges. We need to highlight the very many historical points of reference from the Burgundian period and explore how they were, and still are, instrumental in Belgium at different levels (country, region, city).
Main partners : Prof. Éric Bousmar (Saint-Louis University – Brussels), Prof. Jean-Marie Cauchies (Royal Academy of Belgium), Prof. Marnix Beyen (UAntwerpen), Prof. Alain Dierkens (ULB)…