Mariemont today

Official museum of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation in Belgium : our missions

Affiche institutionnelle du Domaine de Mariemont

Our missions

  • Puces Scientific research, primarily in the different topics relating to the Mariemont collections.
  • Puces Public service, by exhibiting some of the collections to the general public, opening our doors to the public, organising educational activities, developing training, events and creativity and, more broadly, operating information and communications services.
  • Puces Conservation, by maintaining and, where necessary, improving the physical condition of the objects in the collections.

  • Puces Promotion of the heritage.

Our employees

Around 100 people work at the Domain & Royal Museum of Mariemont. They are split into 13 functions spanning three divisions: scientific, cultural and logistics.

Find out more about Mariemont's teams

Our business reports in french

Couverture Mariemont 2021


Couverture Rapport d'activités 2020


Couverture Rapport d'activités 2019


Discover the Domain & Royal Museum of Mariemont

Discover the museum collections


Discover the history of the estate

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