The estate's heritage

An open-air museum

Visit the Domain & Royal Museum of Mariemont

Map of Mariemont estate

Plan du Domaine de Mariemont

Art works

  • 1. Ornamental vases – 19th c.
  • 2. Buddha statue – 1910
  • 3. Statue of Avalokiteshvara – 16 th/17 th c .
  • 4. Vers la vie [Towards Life], Victor Rousseau – 1911
  • 5. The Burghers of Calais, Auguste Rodin – 1906
  • 6.  L’Abondance [The Abundance], Jef Lambeaux– 1902
  • 7.  Fontaine archiducale [Archducal Fountain], Laurent Delvaux – 1741
  • 8.  Fontaine Sainte-Thérèse [Saint Theresa Fountain] – 1766
  • 9.  Le Semeur [The Sower], Constantin Meunier – 1914
  • 10. Gate from Neufvilles castle – 2nd half of the 19th c.
  • 11. Vase Bacchanale [Bacchanal vase], Godefroid Devreese – 1913
  • 12. Canons français [French cannons] – 1st half of the 18th c.
  • 13. Lions et lionnes couchés [Recumbent Lions and Lionesses], Guill. Geefs – 1re moitié 19e s.
  • 14. Oriental bronze vase – early 20th c.
  • 15. Lion Fountain from the Alhambra in Granada – 1910
  • 16. Bell from Notre-Dame chapel in La Hestre – 1698
  • 17. La Source [The Spring], Jef Lambeaux – 1901
  • 18. Le Triomphe de la femme [Triumph of the Woman], Jef Lambeaux – 1901
  • 19. Porch from Ghislenghien Abbey – late 18th c.
  • 20.  Extraits des Passions humaines [Extracts from The Human Passions], Jef Lambeaux – 1901
  • 21. Marble vase – 1911
  • 22. La Vie [The Life], Michelangelo Circo - 2024

The estate's institutions

  • A. Royal Museum of Mariemont
  • B. CRIE (Regional Environment Initiation Centre)
  • C. École provinciale d’horticulture [Regional School of Horticulture]
  • D. Service public de Wallonie [Wallonia Public Service]
  • E. Atelier du Livre de Mariemont 
  • F. Wallonia-Brussels Federation Drama Writing Centre

Historic buildings

  • G. The kitchen garden (visits can be booked through CRIE)
  • H. The winter garden – 19 th c.
  • I.   The Warocqué mausoleum – 1923
  • J.  Ruins of Charles of Lorraine’s castle – 18 th c.
  • K. The horseshoe – 18 th c.
  • L.  The rustic bridge – 1839
  • M. The Roman bath – late 19 th c.
  • N. The water tower – mid 19 th c.
  • O. The pump house – 1868


  • 1. Tree-lined avenue
  • 2. Rose garden
  • 3. Japanese walnut tree – Juglans ailantifolia Carr.
  • 4. Atlas cedar – Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Manetti ‘Glauca’
  • 5. Sweet chestnut – Castanea sativa Mill.
  • 6. Pubescent oak – Quercus pubescens Willd.
  • 7. English oak – Quercus robur L.
  • 8. Sichuan pepper – Zanthoxylum simulans.
  • 9. European beech – Fagus sylvatica L. purpurea Ait
  • 10. Persian ironwood – Parrotia persica C.A. Mey.
  • 11. Himalayan pine – Pinus wallichiana Jacks.
  • 12. Weymouth pine – Pinus strobus L.
  • 13. Montpellier maple – Acer monspessulanum L.
  • 14. London plane – Platanus acerifolia (Ait.) Willd.
  • 15. Tulip tree – Liriodendron tulipifera L.
  • 16. Tri-colour European beech – Fagus sylvatica L ‘Roseomarginata’
  • 14. Hybrid oak – Quercus x rosacea Bechst
  • 18. Oak-leaved beech – Fagus sylvatica L. ‘Quercifolia’
  • 19. Araucaria – Araucaria araucana K. Koch
  • 20. Cucumber tree – Magnolia acuminata L.
  • 21. Italian alder – Alnus cordata
  • 22. Himalayan cedar – Cedrus deodora
  • 23. Horse chestnut – Aesculus hippocastanum
  • 24. Ginkgo or the Tree of forty crowns – Ginkgo biloba
  • 25. Giant sequoia - Sequoiadendron giganteum
  • 26. Coastal redwood - Sequiadendron semper virens
  • 27. Amour cork tree - Phellodendron amurense
  • 28. Caucasian wingnut - Pterocarya fraxinifolia
  • 29. Hybrid lime - Tilia x orbicularis
  • 30. Lebanese cedar - Cedrus libani
  • 31. Purple sycamore - Acer pseudoplatanus
  • 32. Indian bean tree - Catalpa bignonioides

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