« From archive to object: a history of the Mariemont collections »

The Royal Museum of Mariemont has quite exceptional archives we can use to study the history of Mariemont from the arrival of the Warocqué family in the early 19th century onwards.

From archive to object: a history of the Mariemont collections - Read more

« Coal, gold and silver: Raoul Warocqué’s coin and medal collection »

Very little is currently known by specialists or the general public about the majority of Mariemont’s coins and medals. And yet these numismatic collections are immense and varied, spanning the East and West and from Antiquity to the early 20th century.

Coal, gold and silver: Raoul Warocqué’s coin and medal collection - Read more

« A place for relaxation versus a seat of power: the origins of Mariemont under Mary of Hungary »

L’implantation, la construction et l’aménagement paysager d’un pavillon de chasse en lisière des bois de Morlanwelz pour le compte de Marie de Hongrie, gouvernante générale des anciens Pays-Bas durant le règne de Charles Quint, est un phénomène étudié.

A place for relaxation versus a seat of power: the origins of Mariemont under Mary of Hungary - Read more

« The Great Century of Burgundian Rule: a challenge for Belgian history? »

Over the last few years, through exhibitions, popular publications and quality television productions, the general public has been showing a renewed interest in the Burgundian era which lasted from the mid-14th to the mid-16th century.

The Great Century of Burgundian Rule: a challenge for Belgian history? - Read more