Project « History and archaeology of the gardens: from the Renaissance to the 21st century »
In Mariemont estate you will find the foundations of Mary of Hungary’s hunting lodge, extended at the time of Archdukes Albert and Isabella, and the remains of the Neo-Classical palace of Charles of Lorraine.
However, the site has even more archaeological potential. The estate still has traces of buildings, enclosures, roads, ice houses, fishponds, landscaping and gardens, some of these going back to the 16th century.
Particular attention is being paid to the Mariemont gardens today. Revamped to suit the trends of the moment and the tastes of the owners, they reflect a versatile and ever-changing European landscape tradition. We are undertaking historical and iconographic research, archaeological prospection and investigation and paleoenvironmental studies in order to gain a better understanding of how Mariemont estate has evolved over time in its natural, political, social, cultural and artistic context.
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