Project « Between local and global : exhibiting regional archaeology in a European perspective »

Our approach to regional archaeological collections has varied over the years. Today, we have to consider how  to represent the territories involved which, as is often the case, can be context(s), site(s) or region(s). 

We have to reconcile the story behind the historical and political development of these territories with how we define local or regional. 
A comparison with other museums in North-West Europe which have (or have not) linked regional and territorial collections has brought to light a range of complementary approaches (chronological, by theme, by technique, tangible/intangible, etc.).

These different perspectives offer up potential new ways we can display to their best advantage our regional archaeological collections within Mariemont’s main exhibition. 

Axes de recherche :

Référent :

Scientific team

Each curator is responsible for one of the museum sections (Egyptian & Near Eastern Antiquities, Greek & Roman Antiquities, Regional & Estate Archaeology, Decorative Arts, Non-European Arts, Regional & Estate History), its preservation and development. They also create the content for the Museum’s permanent and temporary exhibitions in their own specific field.

Découvrez leurs travaux de recherche et biographies