Project « Using digital to showcase the Museum’s hidden heritage »
The works on display are only a tiny portion of those held by the museum. The majority are stored in the reserves where they receive attention on a daily basis.
How can we showcase these invisible collections and acknowledge the work that takes place behind the scenes of the museum? How do we raise public awareness and ensure these objects are both visible and accessible? One possible solution can be found in the innovations of the digital transformation.
The Royal Museum of Mariemont is constantly looking at, and trying out, the best possible digital ways to highlight these invisible collections and the people who work with them.
Référents : Philippe Englebert et Richard Veymiers
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Scientific team
Each curator is responsible for one of the museum sections (Egyptian & Near Eastern Antiquities, Greek & Roman Antiquities, Regional & Estate Archaeology, Decorative Arts, Non-European Arts, Regional & Estate History), its preservation and development. They also create the content for the Museum’s permanent and temporary exhibitions in their own specific field.