« A place for relaxation versus a seat of power: the origins of Mariemont under Mary of Hungary »
L’implantation, la construction et l’aménagement paysager d’un pavillon de chasse en lisière des bois de Morlanwelz pour le compte de Marie de Hongrie, gouvernante générale des anciens Pays-Bas durant le règne de Charles Quint, est un phénomène étudié.
« History and archaeology of the gardens: from the Renaissance to the 21st century »
The entire estate is packed with features dating back to at least the 16th century, including buildings (such as the superintendency), roads, old enclosures, icehouses, fishponds and garden and landscape features.
This collaborative research programme aims to cross-reference archaeological, biological and material data in order to gain a better understanding of individuals, their relationships and their environments.