Project « The museography and display of literature and books »

The platform hosts a digital exhibition space, a journal about literature and book exhibitions (L’Exporateur ) and a library of digital publications. It also serves as a hub for the activities of RIMELL (Recherches interdisciplinaires sur la Muséographie et Exposition de la Littérature et du Livre – interdisciplinary research on the museography and display of literature and books ) which is both an applied research network and a space bringing together practitioners from the museum, university and art school sectors.

Axes de recherche :

Référent :

Scientific team

Each curator is responsible for one of the museum sections (Egyptian & Near Eastern Antiquities, Greek & Roman Antiquities, Regional & Estate Archaeology, Decorative Arts, Non-European Arts, Regional & Estate History), its preservation and development. They also create the content for the Museum’s permanent and temporary exhibitions in their own specific field.

Découvrez leurs travaux de recherche et biographies