Project « Hybrids in Egypt and beyond. A multicultural phenomenon »
Halfway between animal, human, plant or animated object, hybrids are to be found in many civilisations. What is the intellectual and/or artistic thinking behind the creation of these figures?
Hybrid creatures exist, and continue to be represented, in the mythological, religious and identity constructs of a great many cultures according to their own visual and philosophical language. This multidisciplinary project, which permeates through all the Mariemont collections, will be based on particularly significant case studies such as the Egyptian god Anubis or the Sogdian “priest-birds”.
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Scientific team
Each curator is responsible for one of the museum sections (Egyptian & Near Eastern Antiquities, Greek & Roman Antiquities, Regional & Estate Archaeology, Decorative Arts, Non-European Arts, Regional & Estate History), its preservation and development. They also create the content for the Museum’s permanent and temporary exhibitions in their own specific field.