Project « Face to Face: The People Behind the Mummy Portraits »

Launched at the initiative of the Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam, the project brings together the Royal Museum of Mariemont, the Museum August Kestner in Hanover, the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen in Mannheim and the Sammlung des Ägyptologisches Institut der Universität Heidelberg.

Its aim is to study twelve mummy portraits (also known as ‘Fayum Portraits’) using the latest broadband spectral imaging techniques, and to provide researchers with data that will enable them to better understand how these objects were made and what life(s) they sometimes had on the antiquities market.

The programme began in March 2023 and was promoted as part of an exhibition of the same name, which opened in Amsterdam on 6 October 2023. In the short term, the data will be integrated into the database of the APPEAR project (‘Ancient Panel Paintings: Examination, Analysis, and Research’) managed by the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.

Axes de recherche :

Référents :

Scientific team

Each curator is responsible for one of the museum sections (Egyptian & Near Eastern Antiquities, Greek & Roman Antiquities, Regional & Estate Archaeology, Decorative Arts, Non-European Arts, Regional & Estate History), its preservation and development. They also create the content for the Museum’s permanent and temporary exhibitions in their own specific field.

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